Welcome to the Zero Harm Safety and Training’s online Standard 11 Surface Refresher.
This refresher should take between 4 and 6 hours to complete. It can be done as a single session or over multiple sessions.
Pre Requisite
Before you start please have the following ready;
- USI – Unique Student Identifier
- A clear scanned copy of your current drivers licence (both sides)
- A copy of your previous standard 11 Statement of Attainment
We recommend that Firefox Web Browser or Google Chrome Web Browser be used for this course instead of Internet Explorer Browser. Some users have experienced issues when using Internet Explorer. If you have any issues with login or access to the course, please try one of the other browsers before contacting us.
Target Audience
This course is only for those that have previously completed the Standard 11 Surface Induction Program and hold a valid Statement of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation. To be eligible to attend this course you must provide evidence of the following:
- Valid and current Mining Standard 11 Statement of Attainment with all six units
- If your statement of attainment is over 5 years old, you will only be eligible to enrol in this program if you are currently working on a coal or metalliferous mine and you provide a letter from your employer that you have been working on that mine during the previous 6 months.
Units of Competency
- RIIWHS201D Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- RIIERR205D Apply Initial Response First Aid
- RIIGOV201D Comply With Site Work Processes/Procedures
- RIIRIS201D Conduct Local Risk Control
- RIICOM201D Communicate In The Workplace
- RIIERR302D Respond To Local Emergencies and Incidents
Why do we have to refresh our Standard 11?
“Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2001”
Refresher Training
(1) This senior executive must ensure that each coal mine worker at the mine, including each worker holding a senior management or supervisory position and each worker holding a certificate of competency, is given refresher training under the mine’s training scheme at least once every 5 years
(2) The worker must undergo the training